Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

pieces of junk (sampah pikiran)

“How do you see yourself in the future?” bener” pertanyaan yang nonjok abiz buat gw, this question keep spinning in my head recently. This kind of question distracted my mind recently. I keep thinking about it over and over. I keep asking myself about the answer, I feel empty and have no direction >.<, well, I consider myself as a person who concern about future, especially my future. Yeah, I’m a future-oriented. I always try to do my best in everything I do, I did everything for the sake of my future, I enjoy everything I did. how could I don’t even know the answer. It makes me confused. Actually what I really want at this stage of life? Kmana mau gw bawa idup gw truz smua yg gw lakuin skrg ini buat apa? If I don’t know what I wanna be in my future then all I did in my life are useless. I have no motivation, rite? Anyway, it’s just a little sharing for me and I keep wondering how do I see my future n it’s my task to find out the answer. Actually, I know what I wanna be. Yet, I still dunno how to reach my dream. I’m telling myself I have to find it out now. Maybe I don’t know what for I did everything in my life now, at least, I did all the rest on my own, no matter how difficult it was. i never meant to waste my life by doing useless things. Maybe I knew that this was the source of the strength to live my life.

By the way, I wonder have you people doing things on you own? Did you ever ask yourself, simple questions like “why do you go to school?”, “what is your motivation?” or “what are you gonna achieve by doing something?”. It’s a very simple question, yet, have you ever think about it? you did something for your own or somebody asked you to do… do you live your own life? Do you love yourself? We live in a country where you always concern what people gonna say about you, most of us did everything for people, because they asked you to do, either family or your community. Maybe it’s called self-esteem. Yeah, everyone has self-esteem. Too care about what others saying about you. Jeez, Live your own life! You should know what’s best for you. Moreover, you should know yourself very well. It’s your life, guys…not theirs. Build your confidence, you can do it. If you think what people might think about you always right, and you put their opinion as everything. Trust me, you couldn’t be more wrong! i know, sometimes you need opinion, but you should get it from someone who knew you very well. Don’t even say it’s too early to think about your future, It’s never too early to think about it. As time goes by so fast, it’s really a priceless treasure. GOD had given us the same day everyday. I mean, we possessed every seconds as many as others. But, some people just let it go while others use it effectively… hmm...i wish i could be the one who use it effectively, so i won't regret my past...

-november rhapsodies-

6 komentar:

BeTuZ mengatakan...

Hi there!
Firstly, I would say that you have indeed put in a deep thought of what you want to be in the future.
It is always good to have your goals, end points of what you want to achieve in mind. These goals are things that keep us motivated in struggling through our labouring -and sometimes extremely boring- days. These goals give some kind of challenges which will make our life more exciting and meaningful. Therefore, having a rough idea of what you want to be in the future-goals- is already a small opening step in achieving what you want to be in the future. However, in my opinion, you seem to be overly concern over the process of achieving your dream, which from my angle I feel that it is not necessary and could potentially distract and resist you from achieving your main goals.

The remaining steps to achieve you dream will be dependent on your perseverance and luck.
Without both, it will be hard to achieve what you want to be. I don't have to describe further about perseverance as you probably already have a very clear idea about the value of perseverance.
However, luck, is not only a mere fortune, but also an ability of us to see any opportunities that come along in our life. That would be the art of a successful person. That is to be able to seize those crucial opportunities that will lead us a step closer to our goal. However, always note that nothing is instant and free in this world. Always expect opportunities that come along with trade off and tons of efforts.
Need not worry about whether you are doing something useful today. Do not ponder so much of whether going to school will then help to predict your future.
I have read a book, entitled " Black Swan", which basically describes a randomness which bring high impact with low predictability. That could be a positive one (eg, opportunity to achieve your dream) or a negative one (eg terorist attack).
No one- Neither u nor me, nor any smart people in this world- can predict Black Swan. It comes with mere luck, or u can perhaps say, God's will. Similarly, what I am trying to bring up here is that, our live is made up of a sequence of random events which cant be logically predicted. We can always try to assume, but with limited accuracy.
So, why not just live our life to the fullest, without over worrying the process of achieving our goals, which sometimes leave us in the state of “tired of being tired”
.Enjoy every second that you live - Be it your tiring days or your happening days -and to always put in 110% efforts and do your best in whatever things that you are doing, especially with those things that are related to your goals.
Do not focus on the details (will things that I do in school bring me closer to my goal?)
but on the general( Am I still on the track of achieving my goals?)
Stop worrying, and start doing!
Be skeptical towards your works, because only then you can progress ahead (based on the idea of disconfirming the likely, that will asymmetrically, confirming the unlikely-Positive Black Swan-).
Lastly, I'd like to end my comment with a quote from Thomas Alfa Edisson, which personally I like the most." I did not fail, I only had 1000 ideas that did not work out"

Cuinn mengatakan...

wuihh... komennya niad abiz...
thanks ya tuz..^^

markuswidjaya's designnotes mengatakan...

quinn... i may not say a bunch of words... but, as i cud say... well frankly, life is a process... process of anything... ya mungkin sekarang lo belom bisa menentukan masa depan lo... gw juga sama quin... as u cud see gw pernah cerita kan gw dulu kan suka banget musik... pengen jadi musisi, niat masuk uph musik? sekarang? well, im trapped in a class full of 7 year old minded students of advertising! with u guys.. hehehehe... soalnya kenapa... gw telah menemukan dan menentukan masa depan gw... dan gw berusaha mampus2an untuk mempertahankan proses yang lagi baru mulai ini... ya dengan apa quin? dengan gw konsisten di bidang ini, dengan gw mempelajari hal2 yang mendukung bidang ini... well.. yang pengen gw bilang sih sebenernya sederhana... kalo lo udah milih dari awal... berarti pilihan awal lo itu adalah yang paling oke buat lo dan yang paling oke buat lo itu adalah yang paling nyaman... :D dan kalo nyaman jalaninnya, proses itu walaupun membosankan akan terasa enak banget... :D trust me, consistency and discipline would make you SOMEONE not SOMETHING... :D smangan ya quin! i've been in your position b4 :D

Cuinn mengatakan...

"dan kalo nyaman jalaninnya, proses itu walaupun membosankan akan terasa enak banget..."

gmn caranya proses yg membosankan itu bisa terasa enak bgt kus? bwt gw, bgn yg terpenting dr sesuatu itu ya prosesnya...bukan hasilnya, klo prosesnya sndiri ud membosankan..i'm not sure with the result...hehe

thx 4 ur comment

BeTuZ mengatakan...

"gmn caranya proses yg membosankan itu bisa sankanterasa enak bgt kus? bwt gw, bgn yg terpenting dr sesuatu itu ya prosesnya...bukan hasilnya"

Gua akan memberikan gambaran ttg jalan hidup seseorang utk mencapai impiannya.
Intinya,adalah seperti membuat sebuah karangan.Ada pembuka,isi, dan penutup.Pembuka adalah dimana bagian yg akan menghantarkan pembaca kepada sebuah inti cerita(kadang2 pembaca pun ga jelas inti ceritanya hanya dgn membaca).Sama seperti lo membuat awal pilihanlo,yg terkadang sedikit agak nda jelas,tp lo roughly tau mau kemana.
Penutup adalah end point yg lo mau tuju,ada yg sedih,ada yg bagus,tergantung si penulis.Sama seperti bagian dari hasil target lo, ada yg baik dan ada yg mungkin buruk(moga2an nggak).
Bagian isi adlah bagian yg paling menarik dimana disitu deceritakan lah semua jalan cerita,jatuh bagunnya sebuah tokoh cerita,yg pada akhirnya menghantarkan si tokoh itu kepada ending cerita.
Sama adanya seperti proses yg lo maksud.Proses daripada mencapai sebuah tujuan.

Ada 2 pandangan berbeda.Pertama,pembaca cuma mau tau pembuka dan endingnya cerita aja,karena ending itu yg menentukan akhir cerita yg paling mendebarkan.
Kedua,pembaca mau bgt melihat proses caritanya ,karena disitu ia berasa bagian yg paling mendebarkan,yg pada akhirnya akan menambah warna-warna pada akhir cerita.

Klo menurut gua, lo termasuk type pembaca yg kedua.You do care alot with the process which will eventually add on colours to your goals,and makes the journey of achieving your goals as somthing worth to look back to.

Well ,I can then roughly conclude that you are a typical of "perfectionist" person.

However,just keep in mind about the very often word used, "efficiency" with respect to our modern and globalised world,where every single minutes and seconds count as very precious.

Sad to say, this is the world that we are living at.
Being a perfectionist is indeed good, but not when you are stuck due to finding "a close to perfect" process.
What happen when the process get so boring?Which is far from your idelistic "perfect process".
That is the weakness of a perfectionist person.

You might want to consider being flexible and easy going, accepting limitations that exist. "There are many roads that leads to Rome"

LAstly, bore is a state of mind. It is your mind that controls and send those impulses,messaging "boring!"
But guess what, everyone does have a power to control one's mind.It is then up to you in taking the initiative to control your mind.
You have the power to say yes or no,fun or boring,and decide whether you want to be happy or to live in sorrow.
You are the mastermind!That is the pure freedom that you possess!

So ,let me leave you with a question to ponder,

How FUN do you want this LONG and LABOURING process to be? (this is wad i call as seeing from unique angle,hihihhi...)

Cuinn mengatakan...

hehe...actually, as i told u... i juz wanna enjoy every second of my life.. jd klo diibaratkan sama buku kaya yg lu bilang, intinya i juz wanna enjoy every words n tanpa terasa, tau" gw uda ada di ending bukunya.. n klo lu bilang kaya sebuah buku, ibaratnya waktu gw nulis ini gw sedang berada di titik jenuh dari buku itu..mungkin yang orang" bilang antiklimaks.. klo dibilang perfeksionis, i don't think so.itu cuma perbedaan cara orang menjalani hidupnya. ada yg goal-oriented, n process-oriented. but it's up2u.tsera yg menilai.hehe

anw, thx 4 ur comment...